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ELISA microplate
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Tests for autoantibodies in myasthenia gravis

  • Myasthenia gravis Mosaic 2
    Monospecific detection of antibodies against acetylcholine receptors and muscle-specific kinase in parallel using a novel IFA based on recombinant-cell substrates (adult AChR, foetal AChR, MusK)
  • Anti-Acetylcholine Receptor ELISA
    Sensitive and specific test based on fully recombinant AChR with a gamma (foetal receptor) or epsilon (adult receptor) subunit. Large linear dilution range due to optimal quantity and ratio of purified adult and foetal receptors
  • Anti-Acetylcholine Receptor RIA
    Sensitive and specific detection of anti-AChR antibodies by radioimmunoassay using a combination of adult and foetal receptors