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人类SDC2基因(实时PCR)和粪便收集装置的甲基化检测试剂盒 粪便DNA测试试剂盒,用于早期检测结直肠癌
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粪便DNA测试在检测结直肠癌方面具有自然优势。在正常的成年人中,上皮细胞每天将其剥落成肠腔和排泄物。由于恶性细胞的增殖增加并降低了细胞和基础膜之间的粘附性,大肠癌细胞比正常细胞更容易脱落。因此,患者的粪便中有脱落的肿瘤细胞或其碎片,携带着结直肠癌的致癌信息。这些消息可以通过特殊测试方法恢复和解密。Colosafe是从粪便中精确检测和解释突变的消息(人类SDC2甲基化)的这种测试工具,以检测结直肠癌。当可以有效治疗和完全停止恶性肿瘤时,它可以帮助医生在早期阶段检测结直肠癌。Colosafe于2018年11月20日获得国家医疗产品管理局(NMPA)的批准和许可。它已成为中国结直肠癌的首个许可的粪便DNA测试套件。它也是ISO13485:2016年认证。CE Mark预计将在2020年2月的某个时候。根据临床统计,Colosafe的敏感性为84.22%(315/374),特异性为97.85%。 More importantly, the test has higher sensitivity of 86.71% (137/158) for early stage colorectal cancer (stage I and II) patients, who have much higher 5-year survival rate. COLOSAFE has its own independent intellectual property rights. It's completely and independently developed and produced at Creative Biosciences (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd by its R&D team led by Professor Hongzhi Zou, who was also one of the primary inventors of Cologuard adopted nationally as a screening method for colorectal cancer in USA. The second-generation COLOSAFE, which has even higher detection rate, is being developed and expected to come to the market in the near future!
