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Exofin® Topical Skin Adhesives Exofin® Topical Skin Adhesives in hand Exofin® Topical Skin Adhesives Brush Tip 1ml Exofin® Topical Skin Adhesives How to Use Exofin® Topical Skin Adhesives Application Exofin® Topical Skin Adhesives Micro in hand
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Exofin® Topical Skin Adhesives

Exofin® Topical Skin Adhesives are the fastest polymerizing 2-octyl topical adhesive on the market today, with average set times are less than 30 seconds.

Exofin has also the highest viscosity formula to reduce the risk of adhesive migration, which is critical especially when applying in sensitive areas. The product features also innovative and easy to use packaging. Soft and Flexible Applicator glides across uneven surfaces, creating a solid seal on skin. Transparent Tip allows user to see the adhesive prior to expression. Simply tighten the pre-assembled applicator tip and begin to express adhesive. The product is ‘’technique independent ‘’, therefore you can apply as much or as little adhesive as needed, and get the same great results every time.

2-Octyl formulation is proven to be the strongest and most flexible adhesive, it creates a microbial barrier against clinically relevant pathogens. Exofin comes in 0.5ml (Micro) and 1ml tube fill which provides 25% more adhesive than the largest competitive products available. Increased volume allows for cost savings per procedure.
